Need training for the changes coming from the OQ NPRM? Not sure what will affect you, how to prepare or where to start? It is time to get some help. Here is a list of the free training events offered by the trusted leader in OQ, Compliance Management, and Workforce Development – EWN (ENERGY worldnet).
Free OQ NPRM Training Events
OQ NPRM Open Forum / Q&A (Bowling Green, KY)
OQ NPRM Meeting (Dallas / Fort Worth, TX)
OQ NPRM Roundtable (Houston, TX)
OQ NPRM Meeting / Discussion (Wilmington, DE)
OQ NPRM Discussion / Training (Pensacola, FL)
OQ NPRM Open Forum (Tulsa, OK)
Entire list of Free OQ NPRM Events (hosted by EWN)